The one week wonder project at the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018
The eye-catching One Week Wonder project, where a complete plane was built from start to finish within seven days, returned to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh in Wisconsin, U.S.A., the worlds largest annual gathering of aviation enthusiasts, after 2014 and counted – according to first indications – more than 2.500 participants.
The requirements were similar. Volunteers along with EAA staff had to show how to build, inspect and ground test a private aircraft by the end of the seven-day convention.
The selected aircraft for this years One Week Wonder challenge was a RV-12iS donated by Vans Aircraft. All equipment to build a proper homebuilt aircraft were donations from sponsors. The engine contributed by BRP-Rotax was a Rotax 912 iS Sport, which now powers the RV-12iS aircraft.
The Rotax 912 iS Sport aircraft engine was selected because Vans Aircraft wanted to convert the RV-12 aircraft from the Rotax 912 ULS to the Rotax 912 iS Sport engine, as customers are interested in this modern engine. "Especially the extra range due to the engine efficiency and its easy operation is highly appreciated by the customers, said Marc Becker, manager Rotax aircraft engines. "And it was amazing and inspiring to see how this plane was build within one week only. Congratulations to all who participated in this challenge with so much commitment.
The idea behind this project is to train people how to build their own aircraft and to understand the high technical standards in homebuilt aircraft.
All volunteers, whether they have pulled a rivet on the plane or assisted in other areas, signed the logbook and received a One Week Wonder collector pin.
This year, in addition to the One Week Wonder, the focus was on the Rotax 915 iS engine. There are ongoing or finished design in projects for more than 55 aircraft models. Some of them were represented in Oshkosh. "The feedback on the Rotax 915 iS aircraft engine is tremendous. We are looking forward to achieve more than 300 engines to be sold and installed in 70 different aircraft types until the end of this year, said Becker.
The week-long EAA AirVenture was full of activities. The Rotax Flying and Safety Club (RFSC) and BRP-Rotax network offered information sessions conducted by experienced RFSC instructors for the whole range of Rotax aircraft engines and specifically for the Rotax iS engine series.