Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals 2017 - Day 2
Upon accepting their karts and engine `s, drivers and mechanics assembled their arting package beneath the massive driver tent in preparation for tomorrow.
The Welcome Party will be held tonight, conveniently at the Autódromo for all drivers to come together and celebrate the spirit of Rotax karting.
The party also will see the kick-off to the annual Team Contest. Each team will be judged based on the drivers team spirit, the uniformity of their team wear and their overall passion for their homeland. Starting Monday, you can like which team you want to win on the Rotax Facebook Page. The winning team – the one with the most likes – will be announced by the evening of Saturday, November 11 (along with the jurys official stamp of approval), at the drivers party.
Rotax would also like to extend a warm thank you to its chassis partners – Birel ART, IPKarting (Praga) and Sodikart, as they have worked very hard to contribute to the making of the 18th annual Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals.
Stay tuned for our upcoming daily reports, which bring the intense action of the 2017 RMCGF to you!
For more information about the Rotax MAX Challenge, please visit
The Rotax MAX Challenge (RMC) is a professional kart racing series established, owned and organized by BRP and its Rotax kart engine distributors. Approved by and in compliance with CIK / FIA, the RMC is a "one-make-engine" formula: only Rotax kart engines that are checked and sealed (for equal performance) will be used. The success in the competition is mainly up to the skills of the driver.