Rotax Certification Program
Gunskirchen, Austria, April 19, 2019 – BRP-Rotax is proud to announce the all-new Rotax Certification Program scheduled to be launched in May 2019. The main objective of this program is to fur-ther develop the high standards of the Authorised Rotax Karting Service Network worldwide to ensure an excellent level of service quality to its many customers. The program offers the unique opportunity to perfect the necessary skills and techniques – from entry level to karting professionals – through personalised educational training in a workshop environment.
"We are convinced that with this program we will raise the Rotax kart service network to the next level thus exceeding the expectation of our customers by providing the best service possible, said Peter Oelsinger, General Manager BRP-Rotax and Vice President Sales, Marketing RPS-Business & Com-munications. "We also provide the opportunity for interested customers to raise their knowledge and become an expert for Rotax engines.
To successfully deliver this new initiative to its worldwide network, BRP-Rotax will work in cooperation with a very well-known engine expert in karting. Being a former service centre for various brands and carrying more than 28 years of experience as sealing agent with him, Steve Ogden will be the first offi-cial Rotax Training Centre supporting the Rotax Certification Program. The Rotax Certification Program will be held at his Rotax Training Centre in Boroughbridge, UK.
"I am proud to be a partner of BRP-Rotax in helping them to achieve our mutual goal of establishing a well-trained Rotax service network around the world for the increasingly popular Rotax 125 MAX en-gine, said Steve Ogden. "Rotax has improved their quality control and the product is now far more su-perior than it has ever been, so the time is right to further educate the Rotax service network to as-semble and maintain the engines to the same high standard.
The Rotax Certification Program consists of three main courses:
- Advanced Maintenance Course - limited specifically to the Rotax service network (5 days)
- Basic Maintenance Course - OTS module (outside the seal) - open to all Rotax customers (3 days)
- Basic Maintenance Course - ITS module (inside the seal) - open to all Rotax customers (2 days)
The Basic OTS and ITS courses will run concurrently, adding up to a one-week course. Every course is limited to a maximum of five participants. Find out more about the Rotax Certification Program via
Rotax kart engines are distributed to over 50 countries around the world via the Rotax Karting net-work which includes more than 40 national distributors, over 600 service centres and dealers. For more information about Rotax Karting, please visit the webpage .