

Tolle Saison für Can-Am Offroad

Tolle Saison für Can-Am Offroad

Von 30. November bis 3. Dezember fand das letzte off-road racing event dieser Saison in Nevada statt. Es war eine tolle Saison für Can-Am Offroad:

1. BITD (Best in the desert) – Championship/Can-Am (UTV pro Turbo)
Maverick X3 Turbo – Phil Blurton

2. SCORE (International offroad racing) – Championship/Can-Am (UTV pro Turbo)
Maverick X3 Turbo – Marc Brunett

3. TORC (The Off-Road Championship) – Championship/Can-Am (UTV pro Turbo)
Maverick X3 Turbo – Kyle Chainey

4. GNCC (Graqnd National Gross Country) – Championship/Can-Am (UTV pro Turbo)
Renegade 1000 ATV – Kevin Cunningham

An error occurred

An error occurred

What's the matter?

An error occurred while executing this script. Something does not work properly.

How can I fix the issue?

Open the current log file in the var/logs directory and find the associated error message (usually the last one).

Tell me more, please

The script execution stopped, because something does not work properly. The actual error message is hidden by this notice for security reasons and can be found in the current log file (see above). If you do not understand the error message or do not know how to fix the problem, visit the Contao support page.