Extend your experience on the Rotax 912 iS and Rotax 915 iS aircraft engines at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016
Gunskirchen, Austria, July 18, 2016 – During the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016 in Wisconsin, U.S.A., the worlds largest annual gathering of aviation enthusiasts, the Rotax Flying and Safety Club (RFSC) and BRP-Rotax are offering information sessions conducted by experienced RFSC instructors at the 2016 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh / Wisconsin free of charge.
These special workshops are addressed to those who would like to learn more about Rotax aircraft engines in general and about the Rotax 912 iS aircraft engine in particular.
On a daily basis there will be held two different types of information sessions at booth #265-267 the whole week long:
- Daily from 10.00-11.00 a.m. – Introduction of Rotax aircraft engines – for everyone who is interested in the Rotax product line
- Daily from 1.00-2.00 p.m. – Rotax 912 iS aircraft engine information for builders - for people wanting to install the Rotax 912 iS engine
The registration to attend one of the RFSC sessions will be possible directly at the booth #265-267 throughout the whole week. Note: Seating is limited so please reserve your space early.
With more than 175,000 engines sold in 40 years, Rotax aircraft engines lead the light sport and ultra-light aircraft market. With 19 authorized distributors and a network of more than 220 points of sale and repair centres supporting customers worldwide, Rotax aircraft engines are supplied to more than 80% of all aircraft manufacturers in its segment.