BRP's Juárez site recognized for its CSR program
Juárez, Mexico, May 6, 2016 – BRPs (TSX:DOO) Juárez manufacturing facility received an award for its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program from the Mexican Philanthropy Centre, Cemefi, at this years award ceremony during the 9th Latin American meeting of responsible companies that took place in Mexico City on May 4.
The Executive Chairman of Cemefi, Jorge Villalobos Grzybowicz, said that "this recognition was a starting point, not a finish line, and that all recognized companies were "ruled by CSR principles rather than by an obligation to respect laws and regulations. These companies create and incorporate policies, procedures and practices that benefit themselves and their stakeholders.
"We are honoured by this recognition, and pleased that our efforts to act as a responsible corporate citizen are valued, said Sylvain Blanchette, vice-president of BRPs manufacturing operations in Mexico. "BRPs Juárez manufacturing site strives to give its employees access to educational programs, fair labor conditions, regular medical exams, health fairs and creating a healthy and safe culture and labor environment.
To be eligible for this recognition, Cemefi evaluated 120 indicators under 4 pillars; Business Ethics, Company Life Quality, Role in the Community and Care and Preservation of the Environment. BRP has distinguished itself among other companies for its many initiatives to reduce its environmental impact by implementing permanent activities to recycle waste, and organize activities to support the communities where we operate.
BRPs Juárez manufacturing facility also received the Best CSR Practices Award for its Care and Preservation of the Environments initiatives from the Cemefi at the 16th International Seminar on Best Practices in CSR in October 2015.
The Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) is a private non-profit, non-political lay organization whose mission is to promote and coordinate philanthropy and social responsibility of committed citizens, organizations and businesses to achieve a more equitable, united and prosperous society.